Stand Up America Condemns Arizona GOP’s Attempt to Suppress the Vote With SB 1069
Friday, February 5, 2021
Ryan Thomas
[email protected]
(763) 954-0470
SUA Members Have Made Hundreds of Constituent Calls to Arizona Senate Opposing Bill
After Republican lawmakers in the Arizona State Senate passed a bill out of the Senate Rules Committee this week that seeks to purge hundreds of thousands of Arizonans from the voter rolls (SB 1069), Stand Up America Political Director Brett Edkins released the following statement:
“This bill is a blatant attempt to suppress the vote in Arizona after President Joe Biden’s victory in the state last fall—and the outright lies being peddled to push it forward are a shameful reminder of the lengths Republicans will go to stop more people from voting.
“Let’s be clear: SB 1069 threatens the voting rights of millions of Arizonans, and could lead to hundreds of thousands being purged from the permanent early voter rolls, regardless of political party. That’s bad for Arizonans, and it’s bad for democracy.
“We demand that the Arizona Senate swiftly reject this bill and cease future efforts to restrict the voting rights of Arizonans.”
In Arizona, a state Donald Trump lost by only 10,457 votes, Republicans have introduced numerous voter suppression bills, including bills to purge the state’s Permanent Early Voting List (or PEVL). This bill—SB 1069—would take Arizona voters off of PEVL and stop automatically mailing them their early ballots if they do not vote by mail for two consecutive election cycles.
Stand Up America has tens of thousands of members in Arizona, who have already made hundreds of constituent calls to the State Senate opposing this bill. The group is working in coalition with several state-based groups organizing in staunch opposition to this bill, including: Arizona Advocacy Network (AZAN), Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA), and Progress Arizona.
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About Stand Up America
Stand Up America is a progressive advocacy organization with over two million community members across the country. Focused on grassroots advocacy to stand up to corruption and voter suppression and build a more representative democracy, Stand Up America has driven over 1.4 million calls to lawmakers, registered tens of thousands of voters, mobilized thousands of protestors, and contacted tens of millions of voters.
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