Your 2020 Voting Plan
With so much at stake, we want to make sure that you’re ready to participate safely in this election. Our democracy depends on it. Here are a three simple steps to prepare you for Election Day:
Step one: Register to Vote
You can’t cast your ballot if you’re not registered to do so. Click here to register to vote online. It only takes a few minutes, and the process is simple. Think that you’re already registered? It never hurts to double-check. Confirm your registration here.
Step two: Request your absentee ballot
With COVID-19 still a large part of our everyday lives, mail-in voting is the safest way to cast your ballot. The sooner the better to make sure you get your ballot in time for Election Day. Request your absentee ballot here.
Step three: Fill out your ballot and send it back at least two weeks before Election Day
Once you receive your ballot, make sure you fill it out carefully, following all instructions and guidelines. Then, make sure you place your filled-out ballot back in the mail at least two weeks before Election Day to make sure your vote is counted.
Preparation is the key to success. Don’t leave this to the last minute. Make sure you’re all set to vote safely this year!