National Group Urges Cuomo, Lawmakers To Enact Automatic Voter Registration in NYS
Monday, January 8, 2020
Ryan Thomas
[email protected]
(763) 954-0470
SUA Has Driven 6,000 Constituent Calls to Lawmakers Supporting AVR
NEW YORK — Today, ahead of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s State of the State address, Stand Up America released the following statement in support of passing S6457B / A8280A:
“This historic bill, set to be voted on in the New York State Senate this week, would significantly increase voter participation across the state by adding over one million New Yorkers to the voter rolls.
“If we want New York to be a progressive leader on issues like health care and climate action, then we need every voter to participate—and automatic registration will expand access to the ballot and empower people across the state to engage in the political process.
“We urge lawmakers in both chambers to swiftly pass this bill and implore Governor Cuomo to then immediately sign it into law.”
Since March 2019, Stand Up America has driven more than 6,000 constituent calls to lawmakers in the New York State Senate and Assembly pushing for automatic registration. The coordinated campaign includes pushing constituent emails and calls, lobbying efforts in Albany, and other grassroots actions across the state to push lawmakers to support this legislation.
These efforts are being coordinated in partnership with numerous national and local grassroots organizations as part of the Let NY Vote coalition, including AVR NOW, the Brennan Center, the Center for Popular Democracy, Common Cause New York, Demos, Indivisible, Make the Road, New York Communities for Change, Public Citizen, and numerous other groups.
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About Stand Up America
Stand Up America is a progressive advocacy organization with over two million community members across the country. Focused on grassroots advocacy to strengthen our democracy and oppose Trump’s corrupt agenda, Stand Up America has driven over 970,000 phone calls to lawmakers and mobilized tens of thousands of protestors across the country.
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