Stand Up America Applauds Court Decision Ordering Trump to Give Manhattan DA Eight Years of Tax Returns
Monday, November 4, 2019
Ryan Thomas
(763) 954-0470
[email protected]
NEW YORK — Following news that a federal appeals court has ordered Donald Trump to turn over eight years of personal and business tax returns, Stand Up America spokesperson Ryan Thomas released the following statement:
“While we expect that Trump will stop at nothing to block the release of his tax returns, even when ordered to hand them over as part of a criminal investigation, this decision is a critical victory for prosecutors. We commend both state and federal investigators for fighting Trump’s baseless claim that he cannot be held accountable for his criminal conduct because he is a sitting president.
“No one—especially the criminal in the White House—is above the law and this decision means prosecutors are one step closer to holding him accountable for his crimes.
“If Trump has nothing to hide, then he should immediately turn over his tax returns.”
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About Stand Up America
Stand Up America is a progressive advocacy organization with over two million community members across the country. Focused on grassroots advocacy to strengthen our democracy and oppose Trump’s corrupt agenda, Stand Up America has driven over 850,000 phone calls to federal lawmakers and mobilized tens of thousands of protestors across the country.
Stand Up America has helped lead the charge in the fight for Trump’s tax returns since day one, from mobilizing nationwide for the Tax March to contacting our representatives to demand action. In New York state, the organization also helped pass legislation that would make Trump’s state taxes available to Congress.
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