15 Progressive Groups Call on Pelosi, Nadler to Cancel Recess
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Anthony Torres, By The People
[email protected]
Ryan Thomas, Stand Up America
[email protected]
Progressive Groups Call on Speaker Pelosi, Chairman Nadler to Cancel Upcoming Congressional Recess
WASHINGTON, D.C. — A coalition of 15 progressive groups and grassroots organizations—led by By the People and Stand Up America—have sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler demanding that Congress cancel the upcoming two-week congressional recess and immediately get to work impeaching this lawless president.
In place of recess, the progressive organizations are calling on Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Nadler to begin an aggressive hearing schedule, swiftly draft articles of impeachment, and schedule a vote to impeach Trump this fall.
“Every day Trump is in office is another day he betrays his country and undermines our democracy for his personal gain. Our movement successfully pressured the House of Representatives to advance impeachment proceedings. Now, House leadership must cancel their recess, do their job, and vote to #ImpeachNow,” said Alexandra Flores-Quilty, Executive Director of By the People, the grassroots campaign to impeach Trump.
“The president of the United States is a clear and present danger to our democracy. This is not a moment for our lawmakers to go home,” said Sean Eldridge, Founder and President of Stand Up America. “Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Nadler should cancel the upcoming recess and immediately get to work to hold hearings, draft articles of impeachment, and vote to hold Trump accountable for his crimes and corruption.”
A copy of the letter sent to Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Nadler can be viewed here and is included below.
# # #
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House
1236 Longworth H.O.B.
Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable Jerrold Nadler
Chairman, House Committee on the Judiciary
2138 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
To Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Nadler,
The President of the United States is committing impeachable offenses in plain sight and continues to betray his oath of office. Every day that Donald Trump remains in office is another day he undermines our democracy, threatens our national security, and profits off of the presidency.
The House has a constitutional duty to protect our democracy by holding a corrupt president accountable—and this is not the time for our elected representatives to go home. The American people cannot afford to wait for Donald Trump to be impeached, and Congress cannot slow-walk this process.
Therefore, the undersigned organizations—on behalf of the millions of Americans we represent—respectfully demand that House leadership cancel the upcoming two-week congressional recess and immediately get to work impeaching this lawless president.
In place of this recess, we urge you to begin an aggressive hearing schedule, swiftly draft articles of impeachment, and vote to impeach Trump this fall.
By the People
Stand Up America
Co-Signed By the Following Organizations:
Center for Popular Democracy
Democracy for America
DemCast USA
Equal Justice Society
March for Truth
Mainers for Accountable Leadership
Need to Impeach
Progressive Democrats Of America
Revolving Door Project
Women’s March